NGC Media

NGC is proud of our brand and has corporate identity standards. NGC must approve of any logo usage for sponsorship, partnership promotion and/or advocacy by other entities.

NGC Red = Pantone 187 C
RGB 166 25 46
CMYK 0 100 74 26

NGC uses these fonts: Geogrotesque and Trade Gothic, in reg, lt, med, bold.

For large file sending:

Please contact NGC Marketing with any digital art, media inquiries or gaining approval for posting NGC project photos and details. Please help us honor confidentiality and give credit appropriately. NGC Marketing and Field Ops have the ability to provide you with publishable photos, project details and answer any questions.

Please be cognizant of identifying and crediting NGC properly and positively. Please tag NGC using the following: @ngcgroupinc (fb) ngc-group-inc- (li)  NGCgroupinc (yt) #NGC #NGCGroup #BuildingTheFuture #NewGenerationConstruction
You’re welcome to tag the project name, location and team members as well. Photo courtesy can be by NGC New Generation Construction

Thank you!

Brand is not just a logo, a website or a business card, It's An Experience! Go radiate belongingness!

Branding is the art of Differentiation
David Brier

A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate

Seth Godin

NGC Logo Formats

NGC logo red 187C
NGC vest Lincoln
NGC Prize Packs
windscreen imprint or plain