NGC Accepts NDOT's Buckle Up PHone Down Drive safe Challenge

New Generation Construction accepted the ‘Buckle Up Phone Down Challenge’ hosted by Nebraska Department of Transportation. Visit NDOT’s webpage to learn more, socially engage, and to view the daily themes outlined for March 29 – April 2, 2021.
With Nebraska traffic fatalities increasing about 8% per year, NGC supports this important campaign and wishes to generate positive safety awareness regarding distracted driving. We encourage others to take the challenge to Buckle Up Phone Down. There were 249 fatalities on Nebraska roadways last year, which can be reduced easily by forming new driving habits that are free of distraction. Paying attention and reminding yourself that your messages and replies CAN WAIT directly contributes to safer road travel and less vehicular accidents. Please protect yourself, your family and our community by taking simple steps: Buckle Up Phone Down.
NDOT wishes to remind everyone: “Whether it’s down the street or across the country, buckling up and putting your phone down are two of the most impactful actions any driver can take to prevent crashes and reduce injury if one occurs.”
Email your BUPD stories and photos to NDOT to support this important safe driving initiative. When posting online in your own media channels, be sure to use these tags: #BUPD #BUPDWEEK along with NDOT’s URL:
-Thank You & Be Safe Everyone-


Please contact our webmaster regarding NGC’s safety program or NDOT’s drive safe #BUPD challenge. Thank you!