NGC Celebrates Eleven years;

NGC Celebrates 11 Years in 2020

New Generation Construction is proud to celebrate eleven years in business. September 1, 2009 is the day Justin Hernandez founded NGC. The original group of four employees launched their contracting outfit based on a clear vision to perform solid work and serve the surrounding construction markets of Lincoln-Omaha authentically. Over a decade later, 100+ professionals strong, NGC has an expanded its reach beyond Nebraska and now carries licensure in 24 states. 

Justin recounts what it was like to launch an organization amidst economic uncertainty, “I was a young business owner, starting a company in the worst economic period since the plagued 1930s. Thankfully, cycles of bust are almost always followed by a boom cycle.” While 2020 has been riddled with challenges, the focus for NGC will be to execute NGC’s mission; To improve communities where they build so everyone can prosper, and to continuously promote a rewarding culture. 

Accomplishing longevity in any business is never easy during ‘regular times’, so achieving eleven years of success in 2020 seems extra special. The NGC Team remains committed in strengthening partnerships and relationships that are beneficial for the long term. Justin said, “I am grateful, I am appreciative, and I am humbled by all our employees who continue to show up to work every day and fight for the future of our company.”


Please contact our webmaster regarding NGC’s anniversary, mission statement, goals, story or to request an ePDF profile package. Thank you!